Activity Viscosity Race

Activity Viscosity Race

Activity: Viscosity Race

Daftar Isi

1. Activity: Viscosity Race


first is water second is cooking oil third is syrup then ketchup


2. activity: viscosity race ​


Viscosity race

Volcanoes occur when magma reaches the Earth's surface. Once the magma reaches the surface of the Earth, it is called lava. Different types of lava form different types of volcanoes. Types of lava vary depending on their chemical composition, viscosity and gas content.


3. Activity 4 viscosity race

Q1. If your prediction is honey answer is yes.
Q2. Honey, Because it has the highest resistance to flow and it is the thickest.
Q3. Water
Q4. Viscosity Is the measure of resistance of a fluid to flow. A fluid that is highly viscous has a high resistance and flows slower than a low viscosity fluid. The easier a fluid moves the lower the viscosity. 
Q5. There are two types of lava One has high viscosity which is slow flowing and one has low viscosity which is fast flowing. An example of high viscosity s the honey which means it has a high resistance, and moves slower than the water which has low viscosity and travels faster than the honey.

4. Activity # 4 viscosity race is your prediction correct?

A prediction is what you think is going to happen there is no right or wrong question. But here is an example: honey is very “thick” and flows very slowly. Water is very “thin” and flows very quickly. One is more viscous than the other is. If this does not help here is a link Viscosity

5. 27 27. Which of the following characteristics of magma will form a shield volcano? A. high silica and high viscosity C. low silica and high viscosity B. high silica and low viscosity D. low silica and low viscosity​


D po low silica and low viscosity

6. activity 3: the factor affecting starch paste viscosity and get strength using a graphic organizer ​


In the preparation and cooking of starch and cereal dishes, factors affecting starch paste viscosity and starch gel strength should be considered. cornstarch dispersion that is likely to break; the granules broke apart due to stirring. characteristics of the starch paste viscosity and gel strength.

Carry on learning

God bless

7. 25. How does the magma's temperature affect the magma's viscosity?A. When the temperature increases the viscosity increases.B. When the temperature increases the viscosity decreases.C. When the temperature decreases the viscosity decreases.D. When the temperature decreases the viscosity increases.​


a. when the temperature increases the viscosity increases

8. Define Viscosity and list three factors that influence the viscosity of magma​


temperature, composition, and gases


viscosity is a fluids resistance to flow. three factor that affect magma viscosity are temperature, compositoin, and presence of dissolved gases.

9. In which liquid did the marble take the longest time to reach the bottom? LABORATORY ACTIVITY: Viscosity of a liquid.


warm honey



10. Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the viscosity of magma? A. The viscosity of magma decreases when its temperature increases. B. The greater the dissolved gases the lesser the viscosity. C. Magma with high silica content has lower viscosity. D. Magma with less silica has lower viscosity.


Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the viscosity of magma?

A. The viscosity of magma decreases when its temperature increases.

B. The greater the dissolved gases the lesser the viscosity.

C. Magma with high silica content has lower viscosity.

D. Magma with less silica has lower viscosity.


Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the viscosity of magma?

•B. The greater the dissolved gases the lesser the viscosity.





11. average of water in viscosity race

the answer to your question is 75%

12. molasses is low viscosity or high viscosity?#brainonlinelearning​


#hope it helps

#follow and thanks

13. 3. What will happen if the temperature of the magma inside the volcano increases?a. Viscosity will not be affectedc. Viscosity increasesb. Viscosity decreasesd. Viscosity remains the sameThey arare recibi​




viscostly increases

14. 1. What happens to the viscosity of a liquid when its temeperature is raised?The viscosity of the liquid increases.The viscosity of the liquid stays the same.The viscosity of the liquid decreases.The temperature of a liquid does NOT raise.​





15. 15 Lava with high silica content tends to be?A. with high viscosityB. with equal viscosityC. with low viscosityD. none of all​


A. with high viscosity


Higher SiO² (silica) content magmas have higher viscosity than lower SiO² content magmas

Take note:


16. why honey less viscosity low viscosity​


dahil ito ay merong yema na nasa loob at ang mga bee ay kinakain licked<. Kaya. app.

17. Question:Determine and describe how the different factors affectsthe viscosity of the magma?nagma.1. Temperature of the Magma The higher the temperature of the magma,the____the viscosity. The___the temperature,the higher the viscosity.2. Silica Content (Chemical Composition)The higher the silica content, the____the viscosityThe_____the silica content, the lower the viscosity.3. Amount of Gas The higher the amount of gas contained in magma,the_____the viscosity. The____the amount of gascontained in magma, the higher the viscosity.​


1.the higher the viscosity the lower the temperature

2.the lower the viscosity the higher the silica content the lower the viscosity

3.the higher the viscot. the lower the amount of gas contained in magma.

18. activity viscosity race brainly

Ha may sasagutan po ba rito?


Volcanoes occur when magma reaches the Earth's surface. Once the magma reaches the surface of the Earth, it is called lava. Different types of lava form different types of volcanoes. Types of lava vary depending on their chemical composition, viscosity and gas content.

Viscosity in tagalog means "lagkit/malagkit". Learn to read the previous chap of your modules. In order for you to understand your topic

19. Activity # 4 viscosity race with answer

Q1. If your prediction is honey answer is yes.
Q2. Honey, Because it has the highest resistance to flow and it is the thickest.
Q3. Water
Q4. Viscosity Is the measure of resistance of a fluid to flow. A fluid that is highly viscous has a high resistance and flows slower than a low viscosity fluid. The easier a fluid moves the lower the viscosity.
Q5. There are two types of lava One has high viscosity which is slow flowing and one has low viscosity which is fast flowing. An example of high viscosity s the honey which means it has a high resistance, and moves slower than the water which has low viscosity and travels faster than the honey.

20. 29. The temperature of magma greatly affects its viscosity. How will you describe therelationship between temperature and viscosity?A. The lower the temperature of magma is, the lower is its viscosity.B. The higher the temperature of magma is, the lower is its viscosity.C. The higher the temperature of magma is, the higher is its viscosity.D. The temperature and viscosity of magma are not related to each other.​


B.the higher the tempt of magma is,the lower is it's viscosity


hope it helps

21. What happen to the viscosity of magma if temperature is increased?a. it's viscosity decreaseb. it's viscosity increasec. it's viscosity is constant ​

A. It's viscosity decrease

Because the flow rate gets faster.

c. it's viscosity is contant, since no matter how much you heat up a magma its viscosity will remain the same just like honey

22. what does the word viscosity mean describe the viscosity​


Meaning- Is a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow.

Describe the viscosity-The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of it's resistance to deformation at a given rate.



23. 15. What if the lava that flows out from the crater has high silica content, what would be the viscosity of the lava? A. high viscosity C. no viscosity B. average viscosity D. low viscosity​

A.High viscosity

exp:cuz its very het kaya high yun lng

24. 5. How are you going to describe the viscosity of a magma with a very high content of silica? * A Low viscosity B.High Viscosity C.No Viscosity​


High Viscosity

Magmas that have a high silica content will therefore exhibit greater degrees of polymerization, and have higher viscosities, than those with low-silica contents. The amount of dissolved gases in the magma can also affect it's viscosity, but in a more ambiguous way than temperature and silica content.




Viscosity is the resistance to flow (opposite of fluidity). Viscosity depends on primarily on the composition of the magma, and temperature. Higher SiO2 (silica) content magmas have higher viscosity than lower SiO2 content magmas (viscosity increases with increasing SiO2 concentration in the magma).

25. Which image has viscosity? Low viscosity? ​

1. Image B has a high viscosity because it is thicker that Image A and it is more resistance to flow2. Image A has a low viscosity because it contains only 1 teaspoon of cornstarch which is image B is thicker than Image A 3. Yes, the higher the amount of silica in the magma, the higher is its viscosity. Viscosity is a liquid's resistance to flow.



26. 15. What is the effect of temperature of magma to the viscosity of magma?A. The higher the temperature of magma, the lower its viscosity.B. The higher the temperature of magma, the higher its viscosity.C. An increase in temperature of magma, its viscosity remains the same.D. An increase in temperature of magma, its viscosity decreases thenincreases​


A. The higher the temperature of magma, the lower its viscosity.



27. 6. What will happened to the viscosity of magma when the temperature is high?a. The viscosity will stay the sameb. The viscosity is highc. The viscosity is lowd. The temperature have no effect on the viscosity​





28. how does viscosity itself affects the rate volcanic activity?​


The viscosity of the magma, however, is also an important factor in determining whether an eruption will be explosive or nonexplosive. A low-viscosity magma, like basalt, will allow the escaping gases to migrate rapidly through the magma and escape to the surface.




30. Example of viscosity race


Viscosity is another type of bulk property defined as a liquid's resistance to flow. When the intermolecular forces of attraction are strong within a liquid, there is a larger viscosity. An example of this phenomenon is imagining a race between two liquids down a windshield.


hope it helps you

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