Earthquake Poem

Earthquake Poem

poem of earthquakes​

Daftar Isi

1. poem of earthquakes​










Me, the earth

You see my beautiful face

The beautiful sky and greeneries

Lovely flowers and sweet chirping birds

You dig

Dig and build

Your sky rise

You burn

Burn my woods

You cut

Cut my forest

You stop

Stop my flow of rivers

The exhausts of your vehicles

The shoots of your industries

The toxins

Of your weapons


My water and air

My children

Animals and birds

Forest and flowers

Die of exhaustion

I cry

Cry of pain

Cry of anguish

Cry out of anger

Boil and boil, under

My crust

I heave hard

Boil anger

Shake and shake

I want to bring down

Your sky rise

Crush them to ground

I become angry

Really angry

I shake your prides

Crush your vanity

Raze them to ground

Then I sigh of relief

And become normal

Once again

I engage in my creation.

2. poem for Victims of earthquakes​


Earthquake rips their hearts

causing fear and sorrow.

Waves create tremors on the surface and break houses.

Our brothers and sister in Japan are sinking in despair and so low.

I can’t sit around when the world is in crises.

It leaves nothing but blood stain.

People lose all their health and die.

Victims struggle in cold and in pain.

I can’t be there physically but I send them my love and prayer.

Earthquake is the worst natural disaster.

I pray that the good lord will give them food,

water, life and shelter.

The sky cries frozen tears as kids search for

their missing parents in cold.

Lord frees them from this agony.

Lord saves the young and the old.

I know their sun will soon shine

for them to be stronger.

They need the strength and courage to conquer this.

Lord gives them your everlasting water.

They will be picking up now that

they are struggling and sinking so low.

Surely they will walk over this darkness.

Lord, help them to grow.

3. make a poem about before earthquake??? POEM po​


the earth shakes and splits

no milk shake or banana split for sure

as a hole opens in the backyard

i peer down into its emptiness

until my vision doubles

my brain hurts

a crack appears on my ceramic shell

what do you want of me i plead

it gapes back implacably

i throw in my wealth

my tesla hybrid

my living room sofa

my triple whoppers, fries, and butterfinger shakes

my 147 channel cable tv console

my twenty four volume encyclopedia set

my complete treasury of modern poets

i throw in my three children

and the wife for good measure

the ground trembles

and i tum ble

as the earth closes

4. make an acrostic poem about earthquake?​


E arth is shaking,

A ftershocks are terrifying,

R attle of the memories made

T icking time bomb,

H orror on his face,

Q ueen of all eathquakes,

U nder my feet,

A never ending fear,

K err wet himself,

E verywhere

S oiled himself!


yan po ba kung tama #BRAINLIEST mo ko

5. Poem about what to do during earthquake​

thats my answer you can open it yeah thats my answer thanks for thanks

6. construct a prayer or poem for all the victims of earthquakes and other geological events.​



Lord, please be with everyone waiting to be rescued, keep them safe, and bring help to them soon. God, bless each and every person affected by this storm and surround them with Your love, protection, and angels. Let them know there are millions of us out here praying for them and their loved ones.


as his eyes were closing in agony,

slowly life was moving out of him.

He could hear the cries for help

but how could he help others

when he was himself waiting

for someone to come and help him.

He was sinking in the ground below

he was dying and going away

stopping to breathe,

when suddenly more roof collapsed

and took his breadth away;

O God, had he to die like this so abruptly

he could have loved and laughed a little more

while on this earth he lived!

Many children must have died, too

who never saw better days than he did;

yet in the cycle of earth’s grasp over life

so many lie buried, so many lie injured

broken limbs and backbones,

bruised eyes and noses;

orphans, young widows aggrieved

old fathers and mothers bereaved,

who knows how those who survived

will go on amidst the grief;

who knows how memories will evade their tomorrows

when this Act of God will remind them

of their families which perished

under the debris of their own mountain homes.

7. What should you do before, during, and after an earthquake?You can answer the question by doing one of the following:1. Draw or illustrate it.2. Make a poem about it. (Can be just one poem describing what to do before, duringand after an earthquake)Before an EarthquakeDuring an EarthquakeAfter an Earthquake​


hope it helps po

happy and willing to help others❤

8. construct a prayer or poem for all the terms of earthquakes and other geogical events​


What is this I'm seeing

Looks surreal, feels like I'm dreaming

The buildings proudly standing

Are now in the verge of breaking

Many people are crying

Asking for help and screaming

Large waves of water are approaching

And ready to vanish everything

Volcanoes that are quietly sleeping

Now, awake and erupting

Our mother earth is shaking

Causes casualties to all living

9. make a poem about preaparedness for earthquakes ​

Answer: to get ready for an earthquake we were given a guide for our sake this is to prepare ourselves for the disaster so when it comes we can think faster.


10. make an acrostic poem about earthquake?​


thank me later ❤️


pa brainliest nalng please

11. constract a prayer or poem for all the victims of earthquake and other geological events



In Times of Natural Disasters

Lord, please be with the rescue workers and keep them safe as they make heroic efforts in dangerous situations to rescue those in trouble.

Lord, please be with everyone waiting to be rescued, keep them safe, and bring help to them soon.

God, bless each and every person affected by this storm and surround them with Your love, protection, and angels.

Let them know there are millions of us out here praying for them and their loved ones.

We give You all the praise and glory forever, Lord, and know that even in the darkest hours, You are always with us.


pabrainliest po

12. give a poem about family emergency planning like earthquake​

emergency plan for earthquake

first aid kit


delatang pagkain



13. Make an poem about the ""Debunking local myths about Earthquakes""​.

Answer:   Ten common earthquake myths Debunked

Myth 1: "Go for the doorway when an earthquake strikes."

A lasting earthquake image of California is a collapsed adobe home with the door frame as the only standing part. This image spurred the myth of doorways as the safest place to be during a quake. Modern homes are built so that doorways are no safer than any other part of the house. You are much safer under a table.

Myth 2: "Big earthquakes always happen in the early morning."

It's common for people to notice the earthquakes that fit the pattern and forget the ones that don't. Earthquakes strike at all times throughout the day. Several recent damaging earthquakes have occurred in the early morning, so people tend to believe all big earthquakes happen then.

Myth 3: "Earthquake faults can open wide enough to swallow people and buildings."

A popular literary device is a fault that opens during an earthquake to swallow up an inconvenient character. Gaping faults exist only in fiction. During an earthquake, the ground moves across a fault, not away from it. If the fault could open, there would be no friction. If there were no friction, there would be no earthquakes.

Myth 4: "California will split apart from the United States and sink into the ocean."

Those envious of sunny California and its beaches like to believe this myth. The motion of plates will not cause California to sink, as western California is moving horizontally along the San Andreas fault and up around the Transverse ranges (mountains to the northeast of the L.A. basin). (The sections of land on both sides of the San Andreas fault are converging and getting closer together.) The ocean is not a great hole into which the state can fall, but is itself land at a somewhat lower elevation with water above it

Myth 5: "We must have good buildings, because we have good building codes."

What if buildings were built before a code was enacted? Codes may be updated, but the older buildings are what exist. This is why retrofitting older buildings is a key responsibility of the building's owner. Simply checking to make sure your building has been retrofitted, if necessary, can save lives.

Myth 6: "Everyone will panic during the big one."

The idea that people generally always panic and run around madly during and after earthquakes, creating more dangerous situations for themselves and others, is a common belief. Research shows, however, that people are prone to protect themselves and help others during and after earthquakes. Most people don't get too shaken up about being "shook up."

Myth 7: "The weather is hot and dry; you know what that means? Earthquake."

It's a common belief that earthquakes are more common in certain types of weather. Earthquakes, however, start many kilometers below the region affected by surface weather. People notice earthquakes that fit a pattern and disregard the ones that don't. Every region of the world has a story about earthquake weather, but the type of weather is basically what the weather was like, when they had their most memorable earthquake.

Myth 8: "Dogs or other animals know when an earthquake is coming."

There is no evidence to suggest that any animal behavior is in response to a future earthquake. While some animal behavior changes have been observed before earthquakes, such behavior is not consistent or guaranteed. In an earthquake, it is possible that animals can feel the very early stages before humans are aware.

Myth 9: "Earthquakes are becoming more frequent."

Due to technological advancements, scientists are able to measure smaller earthquakes that previously went unrecorded, so there is more information about quakes happening. Earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 7.0 have actually decreased in recent years after remaining fairly consistent throughout the last century.

Myth 10: "We can predict earthquakes."

There is currently no scientific way to determine when earthquakes will occur. Scientists can make statements about earthquake rates and where earthquakes are likely to occur at some future point, but they cannot calculate when and where earthquakes of certain magnitudes will strike.

Local Myths oh how fun
Tribes telling them under the sun
cities from afar, stories from nature cruel and dark

also bright and spark, love forms and nature's calls
earthquake shakes the meteor calls, dirt crumbles,
trees fall, only a myth can reason it all..

-original poem made by me

14. Acrostic Poem of earthquake map​


Im a barbie girl in this barbie world~

15. make a poem that describing what to do before,during and after an earthquake​

don't panick and think fast,duck cover and hold,find a near table and go under it to protect your head,shaking is expecting and our life depending.after the earthquake go outside take a deep breath and thank god



16. poem that describe earthquake intensity, magnitude and energy​


using the mercalli scale


yun po yung sagot

17. what is poem about earthquake?​

The poem is about an earthquake and disaster caused by it.

18. Poem that describe the relationship between faults and earthquake


Um did you mean what is the relationship between faults and earthquake if im wrong tell me in the comment

19. Create a poem that talks about the earthquake and has alliteration with the letter e. Help please I only have this: Earthquake, earthquake, erosion and earthy. The earthquake cause explosions, the earthquake cause eruptions. I only have that

The earthquake causes explosions it causes interruptions and eruptions and effects to nature, more than that damage so let us please acknowledge and do not be discouraged that doing steps to avoid getting hurt can be easily done by giving an Earful to our surroundings it isnt bad to be eager about being smart at times of an earthquake.


brainliest naman kung pwede

20. create your poem for the victims of earthquake​











Earthquake rips their hearts

causing fear and sorrow.

Waves create tremors on the surface and break houses.

Our brothers and sister in Japan are sinking in despair and so low.

I can’t sit around when the world is in crises.

It leaves nothing but blood stain.

People lose all their health and die.

Victims struggle in cold and in pain.

I can’t be there physically but I send them my love and prayer.

Earthquake is the worst natural disaster.

I pray that the good lord will give them food,

water, life and shelter.

The sky cries frozen tears as kids search for

their missing parents in cold.

Lord frees them from this agony.

Lord saves the young and the old.

I know their sun will soon shine

for them to be stronger.

They need the strength and courage to conquer this.

Lord gives them your everlasting water.

They will be picking up now that

they are struggling and sinking so low.

Surely they will walk over this darkness.

Lord, help them to grow.

21. Poem about Earthquake Disaster Risk Management And Preparedness​


call the emergency hotline and safe your self to hardness material of your school like desk of your teacher

22. Make a five sentence poem about earthquake​


sana maka tulong thank you

23. Make an acrostic poem using the word "EARTHQUAKE". ​

E very day they happen

A bove tectonic plates they occur

R esearch can help you prepare

T here are 4 different types

H ow long do they last? 10-30 seconds

Q uakes also happen at the moon

U nder tectonic paltes is where they form

A lmost all earthquakes affect people

K its can help you survive

E arthquake aftershock can occur weeks after

Sinearch ko lng po... sensya na

24. Compose a poem about. Mountains volcanoes plateboundaries and EARTHQUAKE in new normal​



25. make an poem about the ""Debunking local myths about Earthquakes""​


Ten common earthquake myths Debunked

Myth 1: "Go for the doorway when an earthquake strikes."

A lasting earthquake image of California is a collapsed adobe home with the door frame as the only standing part. This image spurred the myth of doorways as the safest place to be during a quake. Modern homes are built so that doorways are no safer than any other part of the house. You are much safer under a table.

Myth 2: "Big earthquakes always happen in the early morning."

It's common for people to notice the earthquakes that fit the pattern and forget the ones that don't. Earthquakes strike at all times throughout the day. Several recent damaging earthquakes have occurred in the early morning, so people tend to believe all big earthquakes happen then.

Myth 3: "Earthquake faults can open wide enough to swallow people and buildings."

A popular literary device is a fault that opens during an earthquake to swallow up an inconvenient character. Gaping faults exist only in fiction. During an earthquake, the ground moves across a fault, not away from it. If the fault could open, there would be no friction. If there were no friction, there would be no earthquakes.

Myth 4: "California will split apart from the United States and sink into the ocean."

Those envious of sunny California and its beaches like to believe this myth. The motion of plates will not cause California to sink, as western California is moving horizontally along the San Andreas fault and up around the Transverse ranges (mountains to the northeast of the L.A. basin). (The sections of land on both sides of the San Andreas fault are converging and getting closer together.) The ocean is not a great hole into which the state can fall, but is itself land at a somewhat lower elevation with water above it

Myth 5: "We must have good buildings, because we have good building codes."

What if buildings were built before a code was enacted? Codes may be updated, but the older buildings are what exist. This is why retrofitting older buildings is a key responsibility of the building's owner. Simply checking to make sure your building has been retrofitted, if necessary, can save lives.

Myth 6: "Everyone will panic during the big one."

The idea that people generally always panic and run around madly during and after earthquakes, creating more dangerous situations for themselves and others, is a common belief. Research shows, however, that people are prone to protect themselves and help others during and after earthquakes. Most people don't get too shaken up about being "shook up."

Myth 7: "The weather is hot and dry; you know what that means? Earthquake."

It's a common belief that earthquakes are more common in certain types of weather. Earthquakes, however, start many kilometers below the region affected by surface weather. People notice earthquakes that fit a pattern and disregard the ones that don't. Every region of the world has a story about earthquake weather, but the type of weather is basically what the weather was like, when they had their most memorable earthquake.

Myth 8: "Dogs or other animals know when an earthquake is coming."

There is no evidence to suggest that any animal behavior is in response to a future earthquake. While some animal behavior changes have been observed before earthquakes, such behavior is not consistent or guaranteed. In an earthquake, it is possible that animals can feel the very early stages before humans are aware.

Myth 9: "Earthquakes are becoming more frequent."

Due to technological advancements, scientists are able to measure smaller earthquakes that previously went unrecorded, so there is more information about quakes happening. Earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 7.0 have actually decreased in recent years after remaining fairly consistent throughout the last century.

Myth 10: "We can predict earthquakes."

There is currently no scientific way to determine when earthquakes will occur. Scientists can make statements about earthquake rates and where earthquakes are likely to occur at some future point, but they cannot calculate when and where earthquakes of certain magnitudes will strike.

26. poem for all the victims of earthquake and other geological events?​

Earthquake rips their hearts
causing fear and sorrow.
Waves create tremors on the surface and break houses.
Our brothers and sister in Japan are sinking in despair and so low.

I can’t sit around when the world is in crises.
It leaves nothing but blood stain.
People lose all their health and die.
Victims struggle in cold and in pain.

I can’t be there physically but I send them my love and prayer.
Earthquake is the worst natural disaster.
I pray that the good lord will give them food,
water, life and shelter.

The sky cries frozen tears as kids search for
their missing parents in cold.
Lord frees them from this agony.
Lord saves the young and the old.

I know their sun will soon shine
for them to be stronger.
They need the strength and courage to conquer this.
Lord gives them your everlasting water.

They will be picking up now that
they are struggling and sinking so low.
Surely they will walk over this darkness.
Lord, help them to grow.

27. Using the terms magnitude, intensity, earthquake, and energy,write below a short statement, poem, or jingle that describesan earthquake. ​


If the magnitude erupt it can cause a earthquake with an hight intensity it can destroy all living thing such like buildings and others


28. make a two stanza poem about earthquake. ​

Disastrous year

We fought nature and lost

time and time again

What it was the year

of flash floods and heavy rains

cyclones with many names

the earth shaking,

my feet on the cracks,

was that fire still burning,

the forest all gone

the animals lost in it

oh it could not be any worse

but there comes the locusts

volcano turning up

out of blue brimming up,

the storm is coming,

it is inevitable

where to escape,

the disasters striking every corner

which direction to follow,

Towards the sky

I look for help, I try

To search for you hidden behind

all the dark clouds.


1. Sure, there are the shakes and scares,

Seismic shifts accompanied by tectonic tears.

But ditch this global perspective,

Figure out what rips those ripples, detective.

2. Let’s see you pound at the ground.

Hit it hard, ‘til you hear a heavy sound.

Is that enough to fissure some asphalt?

Tell me, could you bring this spinning planet to a sudden halt?


stanza, a division of a poem consisting of two or more lines arranged together as a unit. More specifically, a stanza usually is a group of lines arranged together in a recurring pattern of metrical lengths and a sequence of rhymes.

29. construct a poem for all the victims of earthquakes and other geological events


Earthquake rips their hearts

causing fear and sorrow.

Waves create tremors on the surface and break houses.

Our brothers and sister in Japan are sinking in despair and so low.

I can’t sit around when the world is in crises.

It leaves nothing but blood stain.

People lose all their health and die.

Victims struggle in cold and in pain.

I can’t be there physically but I send them my love and prayer.

Earthquake is the worst natural disaster.

I pray that the good lord will give them food,

water, life and shelter.

The sky cries frozen tears as kids search for

their missing parents in cold.

Lord frees them from this agony.

Lord saves the young and the old.

I know their sun will soon shine

for them to be stronger.

They need the strength and courage to conquer this.

Lord gives them your everlasting water.

They will be picking up now that

they are struggling and sinking so low.

Surely they will walk over this darkness.

Lord, help them to grow.


sana makatulong, pa brainliest, ty

30. poem of earthquakesbefore:after: ​


do you guys know how earthquake are make the earthquake is on the down of the mad or floor is the dirt in the rocks is will make earthquake in the big rocks will hit and that is earthquake made

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