How Does The Speaker Feel Whenever It Rings

How Does The Speaker Feel Whenever It Rings

how does the speaker feel whenever it ring?​

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1. how does the speaker feel whenever it ring?​




sana makatulong:>

2. 1. How does the speaker feel whenever it rings?​

Basically when a speaker rings it creates sound waves, which causes it to vibrate.

3. how does the speaker feel whenever it rings brainly


The speaker feel's like it haves a wave. Due to the vibration of the rings.


Think hard:)



4. Write how your family feel about you whenever you being respected by others ​


My family feels great when i being respected by others. they feel like i was not born to be step by other people and be judge at the same time. They feel happy because i was not treated like a useless person.


They feel happy for me and proud. Because I got used to respect buly others that means I also respect others that's why I'm also receiving a respect from them.

5. How do you respond whenever you feel that you are in hunger and thirst of the presence of God?


Praying to him, asking for his Guidance and proctection whenever and wherever I am.

6. how do you feel whenever you see someone who is sincere in helping others ​


When I witness someone do something nice for someone else, it inspires me to do the same.

7. what does feel filipino whenever he hear his National anthem or when he seesthe National flag

nationalism / nationalistic

8. So whenever you ask me again how i feel~​

Stream All too well (10 min version) (Taylors Version)


hi guys tra kain tayo ulam toyo

9. how do you feel whenever you commit sin? give some effects of sin.​


of course I feel down and guilty

sometimes I cried alone but I pray to god to forgive me

you will get better once you admit your sin


hope it's helpful

pls follow

pa brainliest

10. How does filipino feel whenever he hears the national anthem being sung or sees the national flag?

He/She feel proud of himself/herself for being a Filipino

11. How does a filipino feel whenever he/she hears the national anthem being sung or sees the national flag.

It is common for Filipinos to feel a sense of pride and patriotism whenever they hear the national anthem being sung or see the national flag. The national anthem, "Lupang Hinirang," and the national flag are symbols of the country's independence and sovereignty, and they represent the values and ideals of the Philippine nation.

For many Filipinos, hearing the national anthem or seeing the national flag evokes feelings of nationalism and a sense of belonging to the Philippines. It may also bring to mind important historical events and figures in Philippine history, as well as the struggles and sacrifices of past generations in the fight for freedom and independence.

Overall, the national anthem and national flag are important symbols for Filipinos, and they are often revered and respected as such.

12. Whenever you go on trip, how do you feel? Why?


Sometimes i feel excitement especially when we first time to go there but there is a time that i feel bored and want to go home.

At first I feel excited then seconds later I found myself voming, I really don't like the AC of every car

13. How does the land affect us whenever it moves earthquake​


the land will shake ofcourse how can it be explain me.


Earthquake have Tectonic plates and Fault lines.


Tectonic Plates is a scientific theory describing the large-scale motion of seven large plates and the movements of a larger number of smaller plates of Earth's lithosphere while Fault Line is a break or fracture in the ground that occurs when the Earth's tectonic plates move or shift and are areas where earthquakes are likely to occur.

14. how does a filipino feel whenever he/she hear's the national anthem being sung or see's the natonal flag?

This depends if one has a sense of nationalism in him. If he does, then he must feel proud of it and if he doesnt, then I do not know.

15. how do you feel whenever you listen to that song? ​


Paano ko masasagutan eh wala picture


lagyan nyo po picture


post picture here to see



16. How does a bully feels whenever he or she hurts somebodys feeling?​


they will be happy bc they bully someone

17. Processing Questions 1. How does the speaker feel whenever it rings? 2. How did she react when she realized she was already late? 3. Would you react the same way, if this happens to you?​


She feels annoyed and mad.


When she just woke up and checked the time and when she still sleep even tho the alarm is ringing.


yes, because sleeping is very addictive but it also ruin your schedule if you don't wake up in time. So you need to sleep early to avoid this kind of problem

18. 1. Write how your family feel about you whenever you staying out of trouble with the law 2. Write how your family feel about you whenever you graduating from high school With remaining 1 back subject​

Answer: feel sad because we will maybe be get jailed and by losing some money because of the payment to the case of the law.

2.My family feel sad because you cannot graduate because of your back subject and your parents expect that the son or daughter will be graduate:(

19. processing questions1. How does the speaker feel whenever it rings?2. How did she when she realized she already late?3. Would you react the same way, if this happens to you?plsss pa answer ​


1.) She feels annoyed.

2.) She feels shocked.

3.) Yes, and I will feel regret that I snoozed my alarm clock that is meant to wake me up.


1. she was annoyed and irritate by the alarms.

2. still annoying but feeling regret

3. no

20. how does the land affect us whenever it move

It can cause an earthquake
It can cause a landslide that may cause to damage of properties and result to casualties

21. Processing Questions1. How does the speaker feel whenever it rings?2. How did she react when she realized she was already late?3. Would you react the same way, if this happens to you?​

My Alarm Clock

Having an alarm clock is essential to make yourself ready and alert for work. This helps you when are very busy and doing late night work. It must be set up on your preferred time.

1. How does the speaker feel whenever it rings?

The alarm clock is disturbing the speaker, who is mumbling and groaning as a consequence. It prevents her from doing what she wants, keeps her up when she desires to sleep, and keeps her from his toys. She detests the alarm clock's blaring noise, which summons her to his workstation and books.

2. How did she react when she realized she was already late?

When she realized that the time is running out for work, she was very shocked and worried. She doesn’t even know what to do and froze. She must have set her alarm to the time she wants to wake up. There is something wrong in the way she sets it. Now, this is a lesson to everybody to never use analog alarm clock because of its annoying sound.

3. Would you react the same way, if this happens to you?

If that happens to me, I would definitely be on cram. I rush on taking a bath and get dress for work. As the saying goes, better late than never. I would explain to my superior what really happens and apologize. Sometimes, we cannot control what will going to happen in our life. However, we can prevent it by doing every thing accordingly.

Importance of time in working:


22. How do you find random variable? describe your feeling whenever your doing the acyivity.​

Step-by-step explanation:

List all simple events in sample space. Step 2: Find probability for each simple event. Step 3: List possible values for random variable X and identify the value for each simple event. Step 4: Find all simple events for which X = k, for each possible value k.

23. how does filipino feel whenever he hears the national anthem being sung or sees the national flag?

I think every Filipino feels very Proud every time we hear it.

24. how does the speaker feel whenever righs​


it feel's good and feel's like the wave in the ocean

25. Processing Questions1. How does the speaker feel whenever it rings?​


She feel annoyed


Because thats what the speaker feel when it rings

26. How do you feel whenever you see a blank piece of paper or a blank computerscreen?​


i will save it for the important because its important to save dont use it if its not important


i hope it helps ☺️

27. How did you feel whenever we do not do our tasks?​


It isn’t a great feeling. In fact it is something that can stick with you for a long time. The most important thing to take from any failure is the lesson you learned from it. Some lessons are more painful than others in many regards but they teach us to be that much better as individuals. You definitely don’t dwell on them, because if you don’t move forward from them they will eat away at you on the inside and can lead to self-pity, envy, and bitterness amongst other negative consequences. Make the most of any failure and never let it influence your outlook on life.

28. 1. What reaction does the speaker get whenever he says he is a Manobo? Based on the tone of the article, how was thespeaker affected by other people's reactions to his being a Manobo?​


The Manobo are both strong in mind and spirit, their cultural identity is firmly rooted in the land and its nature. It is maintained through storytelling, language, family and the passing on of traditional skills and arts.

29. how does filipino feel whenever she or he hear na national amthem neing played

us filipinos feels proud whenever we hear it, we automatically feels like we should stand straight and put out right hand on our left chest whenever we hear it, to give honor to our flag.

30. according to the text how does a filipino feel whenever she/he hears the national anthem being sung or see national flag??

There is no text provided but if I were to tell what do I feel as a Filipino when I hear the national anthem being sung or see national flag, then I would say that I feel proud that I am a Filipino.

Being familiar with the lyrics of the national anthem 'Lupang Hinirang' as well as the symbols and meanings found in the national flag gives me so much gratitude to all who came before us, who contributed to the independence of our country. Our heroes did not just fought for our freedom but they also died for it. They gave up their life for us.

The national anthem and the flag is a reminder of those heroes we had in the past and as well as the present heroes we have now who continue to bring freedom and pride for our country.

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