The Gorgon s Head Story

The Gorgon s Head Story

create a timeline of event`s inthe story of the gorgon`s head?

1. create a timeline of event`s inthe story of the gorgon`s head?

 The Dreadful Oracle
Zeus behelds Danae and she bears the fruit of love
A chest made for Danae and Perseus
the help from Hermes and Athena
The beheading of Medusa
Meeting a girl chained on the side of the cliff
Slaying the Serpent for the hands of the maiden (Andromeda)
The Killing of King Acrisius

2. story of gorgons head​


ano ang question???



3. gorgon's head story?​


gorgons gead story us about medusa's death


In Greek mythology, the Gorgon's head of Medusa is a symbol of deathly terror. ... To ensure the death of the Greek hero Perseus, his rival, King Polydectes, orders him to bring back the decapitated head of Medusa. However, Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom, comes to his aid and gives him a silvery, reflecting shield.


hope it helps

4. who is athena in the story of The Gorgons head

Athena was the one who gave Perseus the shield for him to look at when beheading Medusa.

5. Settings of the story the gorgons head

The Island of Seriphus and an Adventure Far from Home

6. Morals Of The Story Of The Gorgons Head

You must learn how to protect your mother or anyone in your family because they are the only ones who will believe in you and they are the one who stand by your side everytime you are alone.

7. Antagonist of the story of the gorgon's head


I don't that story but I ask my sister and she said it was Medusa.


The King and Medusa


KING : who's lazy , strict and doubtful

Medusa : the woman with a hair of thousand of snakes who's territorial and hateful

8. pronouns of the story of the gorgons head





9. Setting of story of the gorgons Head

The setting of the story is Perseus and Medusa is a classic quest. Perseus leaves home with a mission – to get Medusa's head – and returns when he's completed the task. ... Perseus' adventures take him to some distant, mythical places, including the home of the Graeae, the home of the Nymphai, and the cave of the Gorgons

10. plot of the story "gorgons head"

The evil King Polydectes who ruled the island Seriphos was in love with Danae and wanted to marry her, but he didn't want anything to do with her adult son, Perseus. So, he tricked him into going to get Medusa's head. Medusa were very hideous creatures who lived in a far away place. Anyone who looked into her eyes would instantly turn to stone.
The gods, Hermes and Athena, along with three nymphs came to help Perseus and gave him a polished bronze shield, an unbendable sword, a sack, winged sandals, and a cap that turns him invisible.Rising Action 2Perseus then flew to the home of Medusa's sisters and with the cap of invisibility he took their one tooth and eye so he could discover the location of the gorgon's secret lair.

Perseus made it to the gorgon's as they slept. So he wouldn't turn to stone, Perseus spotted her face in the reflection of his shiny shield and swiftly cut her head off.
When he made it home the evil king laughed and asked him about the sack. Then Perseus pulled Medusa's head out and turned the evil king into stone.
Now Perseus uses Medusa's head to defeat all his enemies on adventures.

11. What is the gorgons head story ending?

Perseus went to Greece(Larissa to be exact), and joined the games there. He accidentally threw the shotput straight at his grandfather,King Acrisius. Perseus killed his grandfather, as prophesied. Hope that helps. :)


Gorgon’s Head was written by the Russian-born author named Anne Terry White in 1896. The story was based on the Greek mythology about the three sister-monsters called Gorgons.


Gorgon’s Head is about the killing of Medusa, a Gorgon that can turn people into stone in just one stare, by the Greek hero Perseus, and the utilization of Medusa’s head to kill the monster that took Andromeda, who was Perseus’ love interest.

13. characters in the story the gorgon's head

The Gorgon's Head had numerous characters coming from various facets and classes. There are characters who are gods and goddesses who helped the major characters serve their purpose. These gods could be traced to be Hermes, Athena, Zeus, and Andromeda. There are also characters who came from the underworld and proved to be worthy enemies in the plot like Medusa, Polydectes, the Gorgons, and the Gray Women. However, the following characters are the most important figures in the plot:

Perseus - Perseus could be argued as the protagonist in the plot and a brave warrior who defied all odds to fulfill his destiny. 

Danae - conceived Perseus together with the god Zeus. She is the daughter of King Acrisius. She was exiled and locked in a tower to be prevented from giving birth to Perseus.

King Acrisius - was prophesied to be killed by Perseus, his grandson. Acrisius responded by locking up his own daughter and sending both of them to exile.

Polydectes - fell in love with Danae but had to kill Perseus to get her. He sends Perseus to a very dangerous task of killing Medusa.

Links to learn more about the characters:

Related Phrases:

the gorgon's head conflict

the gorgon's head plot

the gorgon's head characters and description

14. the Setting of the story of The Gorgon's Head

seriphos and medusa's cave 

15. Antagonist of the story of the gorgon's head


Main Characters and Traits Perseus (Protagonist): Courageous and willing to do anything Medusa (Antagonist):Territorial and hateful King: Lazy, strict and doubtful.

The antagonist of the story is Medusa

16. The gorgons head message of the story

We shall not be to boastful to ourself and lets not be the leader all the time because we are not good always ,nobodys perfect and in the world everything must be shared. 

17. Causes of the story of the gorgons head​


sensei arenas na quit stuff

18. The story of gorgons head happen in


in Greek art at the turn of the 8th century BC

19. what is the conflict of the story of the gorgons head

to cut off medusa's head

20. the gorgon's head story differences​



I hope help it

21. the summary of the story the Gorgons head

King Acrisius received a prophecy that his grandson would someday kill him. Frightened of this, he had imprisoned her beautiful daughter, Danae. Danae was kept away from the people but not from the Gods. Zeus saw her and fell in love with her. They had a son named Perseus.

Afraid that Perseus would have a chance to kill him, King Acrisius placed Danae and Perseus inside a chest and set it to sail on the sea. They were found by a fisherman whose brother fell in love with Danae. Danae got married but his new husband didn't like Perseus. So he had ordered him to an adventure--to kill Medusa.

Perseus was guided and helped by the Gods to defeat Medusa. While he was being chased by the monster, he had come upon a beautiful maiden chained near the sea and had saved her from the monster.

He had asked this maiden's hand for marriage but many people, including the maiden's promised husband, disagreed. It led to fight which Perseus easily won by using the Gorgon's head.

He came back to see his father-in-law who was not pleased seeing him. His father-in-law didn't believe that Perseus had slain Medusa. He turned his father-in-law into a statue.

After all this, he realized he wanted to come back to his grandfather's homeland. The prophecy came true when he had accidentally speared his grandfather through javelin throwing contest.

22. problem'S of the story about gorgon's head​


Perseus didn't know when to start his journey until Hermes helped him.

Along his journey, he encountered countless monsters and creatures. He also had a rival on Andromeda, his loved one.


These are problems that Perseus had to solve and encounter.

23. Protagonist of the gorgon 's head


Thx for the points i dont know

24. mood of the story the gorgons head?


25. Problem Of The Story Of The Gorgons Head

How To Face the Three Gorgons Especially Medusa 

26. Lessons of the story the gorgons head

Goodness triumphs over evilness

27. Setting of story of the gorgons Head

The Gorgon's Head

"The Island of Seriphus and an Adventure Far from Home"

Setting of the Story

In the story The Gorgon's Head, the characters of Perseus and Medusa in the story is a classic quest. Perseus starts out at home, the island of Seriphus, leaves to embark on his adventures with this mission - to get Medusa's head and then returns home to Seriphus when he has achieved his goal.

Seriphus is an island located in the Aegean Sea. This sea is a part of the Mediterranean region that separates Greece and Turkey. Perseus' adventures take him to some distant, some mythical places, including the home of the Graeae where the home of the Nymphai, and the cave of the Gorgons. Perseus also flies over Africa, where he happens upon the Princess Andromeda.

Is the story The Gorgon's Head can be real? Even though the places are real, the scenes were not possible to be real one. Because he journeys to so many far off places, his adventures seem very epic and fantastic.

You will get how the setting compliments into fantasy once you read the summary of the story The Gorgon's Head. Read on

Read the list of character of the story The Gorgon's Head at

What are the story problem of the story The Gorgon's Head? Read teh reviews at

28. character in the story the gorgons head

` The characters in the story of the Gorgon's Head are Perseus, Danae, King Polydectes, Quicksilver, the three gray women, the nymphs and Medusa.

29. similarities of the story of gorgon's head​


identify mood and tone in the sentences

30. the meaning of the story the gorgon's head​


In Greek mythology, the Gorgon's head of Medusa is a symbol of deathly terror. With sharp teeth and a tongue stretched far out of its gaping jaw, it aims its penetrating, wide-eyed gaze directly at the viewer. In place of hair, poisonous snakes, ready to attack, coil about the head.


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