Evident Premeditation

Evident Premeditation

What is evident premeditation

Daftar Isi

1. What is evident premeditation


the elements of evident premeditation are: (1) a previous decision by the accused to commit the crime; (2) overt act/acts manifestly indicating that the accused clung to his determination; and (3) a lapse of time between the decision to commit the crime and its actual execution sufficient to allow accused to reflect


Question: What is evident premeditation


Requisites of evident premeditation:

The prosecution must prove: 1. The time when the offender determined to commit the crime. 2. An act manifestly indicating that the culprit has clung to his determination.


2. Explain the aggravating circumstance of evident premeditation. pkisagot po:)​

Aggravating circumstances refers to factors that increases the severity or culpability of a criminal act. Typically, the presence of an aggravating circumstance will lead to a harsher penalty for a convicted criminal.


3. what is premeditated​

Think out or plan (an action, especially a crime) beforehand

4. choose the words that best completes the sentence. Our _____ plan was working perfectly. A. premeditated B. ravenous C. reclusive D. pedant​


i think a.premeditated


Our premeditated plan was working perfectly.

English: Premeditated

Filipino: Pinaghandaan

Hope it helps.

Brainlest me pls.

5. What makes the steps rigid and premeditated


However contemporary ballet, and this is the form of the classic dance that repeatedly makes history. Impressive series of dance techniques and steps that made history.



6. Find out the meaning of each italicized word by using context clues. write the definition based onyour understanding of the line. Write only the answer. (1 pt. each)1. Efren found the statement wrong and refuted it.2. That is a valid statement; I have no doubt that it is true.3. Because he is always boasting, he is known as a braggart.4. She is an introvert because she does not like to meet people.5. The man planned the bombing; it was certainly premeditated.6. The infirm old man was confined in bed and looked after by a nurse.7. There was a general exodus from the room when the alarm sounded; all the students left.8. These days, a computer is an indispensable tool in many businesses. Companies cannot live without it.9. The fog was so heavy that it was impossible to see and avoid the oncoming car. The collision was inevitable.10. This is a difficult experiment that requires careful performance. You will not be able to get correct results if you doit in a haphazard manner.​


Refuted- to prove a statement or theory to be wrong or false

Valid-having a sound basis in logic or fact

Braggart- a person who loves to boasts about achievements or possessions.

Introvert- a shy, reticent person.

Premeditated-thought out or planned beforehand.

Infirm- a person who is not physically or mentally strong, especially through age or illness.

Exodus- a mass departure of people, especially emigrants.

Indespensable- absolutely necessary.

Collision- an instance of one moving object or person striking violently against another.

Haphazard- lacking any obvious principle of organization.

7. what is the difference between reasonable killing and premeditated murder?​


The intent was to kill another person or inflict bodily harm, however, the action was not premeditated.

8. BAR 2011 – CRIMINAL LAWANSWERS1. Isabel, a housemaid, broke into a pawnshop intent on stealing items of jewelry in it. She found, however, that the jewelry were in a locked chest. Unable to open it, she took the chest out of the shop. What crime did she commit?A. Robbery in an uninhabited place or in a private buildingB. TheftC. Robbery in an inhabited house or public building.D. Qualified theft2. The alternative circumstance of relationship shall NOT be considered betweenA. mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.B. adopted son and legitimate natural daughter.C. aunt and nephew.D. stepfather and stepson.3. Arthur, Ben, and Cesar quarrelled with Glen while they were at the latter’s house. Enraged, Arthur repeatedly stabbed Glen while Ben and Cesar pinned his arms. What aggravating circumstance if any attended the killing of Glen?A. Evident premeditation.B. None.C. Abuse of superior strength.D. Treachery.4. The presence of a mitigating circumstance in a crimeA. increases the penalty to its maximum period.B. changes the gravity of the offense.C. affects the imposable penalty, depending on other modifying circumstances.D. automatically reduces the penalty.5. He is an accomplice whoA. agreed to serve as a lookout after his companions decided to murder the victim.B. watched quietly as the murderer stabbed his victim.C. helped the murderer find the victim who was hiding to avoid detection.D.provided no help, when he can, to save the victim from dying​








Correct me if I'm wrong

9. Depling Meaning from PreiseUsing this profit as a due, say what each of the following worde mea as.Write your a swer on the line.1. etraordinary11. preface2. bencfactos12 circunference3. extracurricular13. preoccupied4. misunderstand--14. Intramural5. disenchant15. premeditate6. malformack in16. prodominate7. maladjusted17. substandard- 8. beneficent18. mismanaged9. intravenous19. malfunction10. malodorous20. quidistantWild​


transitive verb. 1 : to give pleasure to : gratify. 2 : to be the will or pleasure of may it please Your Majesty. please. adverb.

10. pls answer ty-1 This includes actions that insult, discriminate, tease, or make fun of others. 2 These can cause damage or injury to one’s health and physical well-being. 3 It is a violation of the right of persons to maintain their body or their physical well-being, and their dignity as persons. 4 It is a premeditated or planned act. 5 The act of killing someone who is sick to end physical suffering. 6 The act of removing the fetus from the womb of the mother. 7 It is spontaneous triggered by sudden outburst of passion or anger. 8 Ending one’s life for whatever reason is a violation of God’s gift of life to an individual. 9 It is the killing of individuals who are proven to have committed heinous crimes. 10 It refers to the elimination or killing of individuals who are suspected of committing heinous crimes without the benefit of investigation.choices A. Extra Judicial Killing G. Euthanasia B. Capital Punishment H. Murder C. Suicide I. Physical Abuse D. Homicide J. sins E. War K. Vices F. Abortion L. Spiritual Abuse G. Euthanasia H. Murder


lauryn hill coo division hi discussing

11. Using the prefixes as a clue, say what each of the following words means. Write your answer on the line. ________1. extraordinary ________11. preface________2. benefactor ________12. circumference________3. extracurricular ________13. preoccupied________4. misunderstand ________14. intramural________5. disenchant ________15. premeditate________6. malformation ________16. predominate ________7. Maladjusted ________17. substandard________8. beneficent ________18. mismanaged________9. intravenous ________19. malfunction________10. malodorous ________20. equidistant ​


1. very unusual or remarkable

2. a person who gives money or other help to a person or cause

3. (of an activity at a school or college) pursued in addition to the normal course of study

4. fail to interpret or understand (something) correctly.

5. free (someone) from illusion; disappoint.

6. a deformity; an abnormally formed part of the body

7. failing or unable to cope with the demands of a normal social environment

8. (of a person) generous or doing good

9. existing or taking place within, or administered into, a vein or veins

10. smelling very unpleasant

11. an introduction to a book, typically stating its subject, scope, or aims

12. the enclosing boundary of a curved geometric figure, especially a circle

13. engrossed in thought; distracted

14. situated or done within the walls of a building

15. think out or plan (an action, especially a crime) beforehand

16. be the strongest or main element; be greater in number or amount

17. below the usual or required standard

18. manage (something) badly or wrongly

19. (of a piece of equipment or machinery) fail to function normally or satisfactorily

20. at equal distances

hope this helps :)))

12. What makes the steps rigid and premeditated​



Hnd kopo alam

13. find out the meaning of each italicized word by using context clues. write the definition on the line based on your understanding.6. This room is free from noise; it is *conducive* for studying7. These days, a computer is an *indispensable*tool in many businesses. Companies cannotlive without it.8. She does not like to meet people; she is an*introvert*.9. He is an *extrovert*; he is a very sociable person.10. The scene was painted on the wall. It madean attractive *mural*11. The man planned the bombing; it was cer-tainly *premeditated*.12. Because he is always boasting, he is knownas a *braggart*. lahat po ng may mga ** Kay yun Yung italicized word​


6. great

7. efficient

8. shy person

9. social person

10. scene

11. planned

12. mean person


not sure, hope it helps, pa brainliest po <3

14. When a person has a conscious desire or premedition beforewill do the ad he is exhibiting the elementof?​


Addiction,Cigarette Smoking and voluntary control of action

15. voluntary act as we usually do is a premeditated action TRUTH OR FALLACY justify your answers​




pa brainliest answer pls

16. Clues about Premeditate


ano yun 3 years old

palang ako eh

17. Pls answer what is the root word of the following just put an x on the number if it does not have a rootword 1 foolish 2 gardener 3 impersonal 4 important 5 informal 6 information 7 interval 8 introduction 9 janitor 10 poster 11 precolonial 12 premeditate 13 reaction 14 reinforcement 15 remember 16 remorseful 17 repeat 18 reporter 19 restate 20 revision


1. Fool

2. Garden

3. Personal

4. X

5. Formal

6. X

7. X

8. X

9. X

10. X

11. Colonial

12. Meditate

13. X

14. X

15. X

16. Remorse

17. X

18. Report

19. X

20. Vision




18. what makes the steps rigid and premeditated ​

A po yan nasagutan ko nayan

19. 1. Women are oppressed in society due to the belief that they are not rational beings. 2. If people will only treat other people as extension of themselves, they will act based on what is best not only for themselves but for others as well. 3. Gender identity is an example of a social norm that is constructed by the way people interact with each other. 4. The great cultural divide would aggravate the gap between the rich and poor because of the conflict of interests between the two classes. 5. The African Americans, by virtue of their skin color, were delegated to a subordinate position especially in terms of production. 6. Race is another fundamental element within the larger whole society that was integrated into its relatively smooth functioning. 7. Terrorism can be explained by delving into the unconscious of the terrorist to make the reasons behind his or her terrorist acts known and understood. 8. The terrorist is aware of the reasons behind his or her acts and that for him or her, it is the best option available to advance his or her specific interests. 9. The white Americans dominate the top position in terms of economy and social hierarchy. 10. Terrorist acts usually stem from logical, intentional, and premeditated decisions, Berlin 1​


overn the behavior of girls, boys, women, and men in society and restrict their gender identity into what is considered to be appropriate.In the age of global ization, the gap between high and low income countries of economic growth in developing countries, inequality will tend to worsen,

20. Magbibigay ako 50 points pag may maasyos na sumagot dito. 1.A premeditated crime is worse than one committed in the beat of the moment.Agree or Disagree? and why?2. Fear of discovery adds to my sense of guilt. agree or Disagree? and why?3. When exacting revenge upon enemy, it isn't enough for him to just be punished- he has to know that it was me who punished him. Agree or Disagree? and Why?​​



because premeditated crime is worse than the one commited in a beat of the moment, because premeditated crime, you think about it, you are planning on how to put that perfect plan for your crime and the one commited in a beat of the moment is, you didn't plan for it to happen.


because if you hide something that is big, you are always paranoid, you always thinks that someone might discover what your hiding and you are eating by your guilt to what's your hiding to the point that you want to reveal it and don't hide it anymore.


if someone had done something terrible to you, don't plan on making or plotting revenge on her, because we can just leave it to God. because no one has the right to punish anyone.

21. Context Clues.find out the meaning of each italicized word by using context clues. Write the definition based on your understanding on the line. _____1.the fog was so heavy that it was impossible to see and avoid the oncoming car.the COLLISION was inevitable. _____2.this is a difficult experiment that requires careful performance.you will not be able to get correct results if you do it in a HAPHAZARD manner. _____3.that is a valid STATEMENT;i have no doubt that is true. _____4.there was a general EXODUS from the room when the alarm sounded;all the students left. _____5.anna can make a dull gift package look beautiful;she is ADEPT at gift wrapping and tying ribbons. _____6.this room is free from noise;it is CONDUCIVE to study. _____7.these days, a computer is an INDISPENSABLE tool in many businesses.companies cannot live without it. _____8.she does not like to meet people;she is an INTROVERT. _____9.he is an EXTROVERT, he is a very sociable person. _____10.the man planned the bombing;it was certainly PREMEDITATED. ​


Collision means an accident between vehicles

Haphazard means not doing it well

Statement means an opinion or fact

Exodus means a chaos or misunderstanding or panic

Adept means like a person with disability

Conducive means a nice or the right one

Indispensable means cannot be replaced

Introvert means people who likes being alone

Extrovert means a person who likes to be around friends

Premeditated means already practiced




those even those letters lead to something

23. 1.A premeditated crime is worse than one committed in the beat of the moment.Agree or Disagree? and why?2. Fear of discovery adds to my sense of guilt. agree or Disagree? and why?​


1. Disagree, a crime is still a crime. whether you do it intentionally or not, you need to pay the crime you committed

2. Agree, discovered or not you'll be guilty if you committed a crime

24. Task 4: Taking a Stand - For or Against!Directions: Read each of the following statements and observationstaken from the selection “The Cask of Amontillado," and indicatewhether you agree or disagree with them. Write your answer andexplanation in your activity notebook.1. If someone insults me, I deserve revenge.2. It's okay to punish others as I see it - even if it means taking the law into my ownhands.3. I keep my friends close and my enemies closer.4. When exacting revenge upon an enemy, it isn't enough for him to just be punishedhe has to know that it was me who punished him.5. When exacting revenge upon an enemy, it's best to "hit him when he's down" ortake advantage of his weakness.6. When exacting revenge, I must not get caught; if I do, it's not as sweet.7. A premeditated crime is worse than one committed in the beat of the moment.8. Fear of discovery adds to my sense of guilt.9. Time eases a guilty conscience.10. Guilt is relieved with confession.​


1.Disagree, Vengeance is of God, just ignore and pray for Him/Her. Revenge makes you feel worse.

2.Disagree, let the law punish them according to their sin/crime.

3.Agree, Be friend and Love our enemies.

4.Disagree, knowing that the person is already punished is enough for me.

5. Disagree, it's better if you fight fairly.

6. disagree, one must be get caught so that the person who insulted you may ask for forgiveness.

7. Disagree, a crime is still a Crime. Whether it is intentional or not it is just the same that you committed.

8.Agree, discovered or not will be guilty if he committed a crime.

9.Disagree, if one committed a crime conscience will be forever engraved in his mind and heart.

10. Agree, just confess and admit your sin, ask for forgiveness and you repent about it.

25. Find out the meaning of each italicized word by using context clues.write the definition based on your understanding on the line. ____11.The man planned the bombing;it was centainly premeditated. _____12.Because he is always boasting,he is know as a braggart. _____13.We must enter holy places with reverence. _____14.Efren found the statement wrong and refuted it. ______15.The infirm old man was confined in bed and looked after by a nurse.


Premeditated-  thought out or planned beforehand.

braggart- a person who boasts about achievements or possessions.

reverence- deep respect for someone or something.

refuted- prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false; disprove.

infirm- not physically or mentally strong, especially through age or illness.



26. A problem is framed for your recall the learning you derived from the topic. 2. Answer the question in the space provided Case: Juan killed Pedro with premeditation. Can Juan admitted to bail? Defend your answer.​


27. Activity 1Directions: Write TRUE if the statement refers to frozen communicative styleand FALSE if it does not1. The audience is allowed to question the speaker.2. It is very impersonal and obviously premeditated._3. It is noticeably with social distance between the speaker and thelistener that may be caused by their sociocultural differences.4. This style happens during casual interactions and meetings.5. It requires simple language, less efforts of revision, and slackgrammatical structure.6. It may contain vocabulary that is unfamiliar to a non-member of acertain group of people. .7. This style is used I casual settings.8. Grammar usage is tolerant in this style of communication.9. The audience is allowed to raise questions to the speaker.10. Examples of this style are creed, motto, anthem, and stateceremony​


1. falsensnn

28. what is the meaning of premeditation​


an act or instance of premeditating specifically : consideration or planning of an act beforehand that shows intent to commit that act.


The fact of thinking about or carefully planning to do something, especially a crime or something unpleasant.


29. II. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct. If incorrect, change the underlined word/s to make the statement right. (2 points each) 12. Original sin is the sin of “DISOBEDIENCE”. 14. Social sin resides within a group or a community of people. 16. Fortitude is never giving up. 18. Faith is taking a positive future view that good will prevail. 20. The effect of humility is purity. 22. Murder is the unlawful premeditated killing. 24. Mortal sin kills the life of grace because it insults the honor of God. 26. Contraception is a deliberate termination of human pregnancy. 28. Justice is care of and moderation with money. 30. Visiting the sick is one of the corporal works of mercy.


30. what is the meaning of premeditated???​

to think of an act beforehand,to contrive and design,to plot or lays plans for the execution of a purpose.

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